Check Out Our Gallery of TIG Welding Expertise

We have no doubt that our team’s TIG welding expertise exceeds that of any other welding shop in the mid-Atlantic. Whether it’s ongoing production assembly or welding parts for large custom projects, our team has a level of TIG welding skill that’s extremely hard to find.

We can truly handle any welding project you bring us. Our lead welder recently welded stainless steel, steel and aluminum for a custom project. There’s nothing our team can’t do.

Check out the gallery below to see just a few of the TIG welding projects we’ve recently completed.

TIG Welding a Stainless-Steel Fuel Tank

Aluminum TIG Weld Assembly

TIG Welded Aluminum Monitor Brackets

Our team is skilled, experienced and passionate about what they do. At Spec Fab, we’re ready to take on your most complex and intricate TIG welding jobs. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities and how we can support your next project.

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